School of the arts


Launched on September 29th, 2007, SOTA is a beacon of artistic excellence and innovation. We are committed to nurturing talents in various art forms to meet national, regional, and international demands.

Our Legacy

Women aged between 18-45

Mothers with 2-3 children in primary or secondary school

Households with an accessible monthly income of under $2000 Bds

Our Vision

We aspire to transform the performing arts landscape by integrating all artistic forms for an enhanced and enriched product. Our goal is to train versatile artists who understand this holistic approach and shape excellence within the arts arena.

What We Offer

Development of indigenous art forms through teaching, research, and documentation

Opportunities for cultural artists to hone their craft through partnerships with regional and international arts institutions and professionals

Platforms for knowledge building, sharing, and networking to transport our cultural products and services to wider markets

Join us at SOTA as we continue to unveil, shape, and celebrate excellence in the arts.

Together, we can expand and strengthen the cultural sector to meet reputable standards and demands.